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Landing Vehicle Tracked 2

      Landing Vehicle Tracked 2

459th Amphibious Truck Company - Omaha Beach

Scratch intégral avec chenilles en 3D / Full scratch with 3D tracks

Lvt 2 omaha 2 Lvt 2 omaha 3

Accessoires / Accessories

  • 3D
    • M30 (D54075 / D36949 / C59332 / D36951 / D40721)
  • Battleground
    • Special purpose waterproof bags
  • Customdecals
    • Marquages des caisses et des special purpose waterproof bags / Special purpose waterproof bag and crate markings
  • Histopic
    • Marquages pour musette de masque à gaz / Gas mask bag markings
  • Scratch
    • M1917 ammunition packing box
    • Caisses pour quatre caisses métal de .30 / crates for four .30 ammunition boxes
    • Caisses pour deux obus de 105mm / crates for two 105mm rounds
  • Takom
    • fûts de 200l / 200l fuel drums
  • Tamiya
    • .50 cal Browning M2
    • Jerrycans
    • Caisses bois génériques / generic wood crates
  • Value Gear
    • Bâches génériques, generic tarpaulins
  • Verlinden
    • SCR 536
    • Musette du masque à gaz M7 / M7 gas mask bag

Références / References
(Issues de ma bibliothèque / from my very own bookshelves)

Matériels, Equipements, Uniformes / Material / Equipment / Uniforms

  • prises de côtes sur des caisses de munitions / measurments on real ammunition crates
  • TM 9-1900, Ammunition General, War Department, July 1942
  • TM 9-1900, Ammunition General, War Department, June 1945
  • TM 9-1900, Ammunition General, War Department, June 1956
  • TM 9-1901, Artillery Ammunition, War Department, June 1944
  • Quartermaster Supply Catalog, George Petersen reprint, 1984
    • QM sec.1, enlisted men’s clothing and equipment, 1943
    • QM 3-1, list of items for troop issue, enlisted men’s clothing and equipment, 1946
    • QM 3-3, list of items for issue to posts, camps and stations, 1944
    • QM 3-4, List for items for issue to troops, miscellaneous organizational equipment, 1945
    • QM 6, chests, kits, outfits and sets, 1944
  • Yank's 1944, L. Linet / G. Gillot, Editions du Perron, 1984
  • Doughboy to GI, US Army clothing and equipments 1900-1945, Kenneth Lewis, Norman D. Landing Publishing, 1993
  • G.I. U.S. E.T.O., Guide du Collectionneur, Tome 1 & 2, Henri Paul Enjames, Histoire & Collections, 2004 & 2008
  • Weapon Mounts for Secondary Armament, G.O. Noville, G.O. Noville & Associates, 1957
  • SNL A-55, section 28, Cal .30 or .50 MG mount, M35 and M35C, War Department, 1950 (original)

Preparation for Overseas Movement Markings

  • Unit Serial Numbers from the First U.S. Army Build-Up Priority Tables, List A, D-Day +1 through D+14, Lois S. Montbertrand / Ben C. Major, WW2 US Medical Research Center, 2011

Landing Vehicle Tracked (all types)

  • Internet
    • film d'époque en couleur du débarquement / D-Day landings in a period color film
  • Manuels techniques / Technical manuels
    • TM 9-1784, LVT-1 (amphibian tractor T33) power train, track chains, hull & clutch, War Department, 1943 (original)
    • TM 9-775 Landing Vehicle Tracked MKI and II, War Department, 1944
    • TM 9-776, Landing Vehicle Tracked MKVI, War Department, 1944
    • SNL G-209, Service parts catalog for Vehicle Landing Tracked MKIV (LVT4), 1944
    • SNL G-214, List of all parts, Vehicle Landing Tracked MKI and IV, LVT1 and 4, 1945
  • Livres généralistes / Books of general interest
    • Stuart, A History of the American Light Tank, R.P. Hunnicutt, Presidio Press, 1992
    • LVT(4) Walkaround photo details cd, Chris Toadman Hughes, 2004
    • US Amtracs and Amphibious at War 1941-45, Steven J. Zaloga, Concord, 2000
    • LVT (4), David Doyle, Schiffer Publishing, 2020
    • Amtracs in action, Jim Mesko, Squadron Signal Publications, 1993
    • LVT(4) Amtrac in Action, David Doyle, Squadron Signal Publications, 2014
    • History of the Development of the LVT through WWII, Major A. Dunlop Bailey, MilSpecManuals, 1986
  • Maquettisme / Modelism
    • Model technical manual LVT4, David E. Harper, Hard Corps Publishing, 2006
    • LVT's Amtank (LVT (A) 1, LVT (A) 4, LVT (A) 5), David E. Harper, Letterman Publications, 2003
    • LVT (A1), (A4) & (A5) model technical manual, David E. Harper, Letterman Publications, 2003
    • LVT 2 & (A2) model technical manual, David E. Harper, Letterman Publications, 2003
    • LVT Line Drawings, David E. Harper, Letterman Publications, 2003


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